The sequel to Disney's Aladdin live-action film, commonly referred to as Aladdin 2, is anticipated to continue the adventures of Aladdin, Jasmine, and the Genie. While official plot details may not be fully disclosed, it's expected to draw inspiration from the animated sequels such as The Return of Jafar or explore entirely new storylines. The original cast, including Mena Massoud as Aladdin, Naomi Scott as Jasmine, and Will Smith as the Genie, are expected to return, bringing back the vibrant, magical world of Agrabah with new challenges, characters, and possibly even a new villain.

The sequel might delve deeper into the characters' lives post the first film's events, expanding on their relationships, personal growth, and perhaps introducing new cultural elements and music, maintaining the blend of adventure, humor, and romance that made the first movie a hit.